Tuesday, September 13, 2011

"Love is immortality." -Emily Dickinson

Today was magical; today gave me the kind of feeling that made me feel all warm inside.

Yesterday, mi professoro gave us an assignment:  write a short presentation about your favorite book to share with the class.  Below is what I wrote, in l'italiano:

"Il mio libro del cuore e' 'Leave Behind Me Stesso.'
Autore:  Bart Yates.

Il libro racconta la storia di un givovane di nome Noah, che si innamora di un altro giovane di nome J.D.  Si tratta di una semplice storia di formazione che permette al lettore di seguire Noah e' J.D. come imparano a lasciare che il loro amore servono come il lora piu grande forza come coraggiosi le tempeste di un mondo crudele e meschino.
Mi piache perche quando ho letto il libro mi vedo.  Ho sperimentato un sacco di dolore stesso e finche non ho incontrato il mio ragazzo, non avero mai provato l'amore.  La storia mi ha dato la speranza che l'amore esistera anche quando io non ci credero."

When I finished, mi professor looked at me with a twinkle in his eyes and said,
"Please, read to us in English."

I gave him a puzzled look, worried that perhaps my Italian was poorly written.

Then he said, "You have a message that we all need to hear.  Please, share with us."

So, I read it all again, this time in my native tongue:

"My favorite book is 'Leave Myself Behind.'
Author:  Bart Yates

The book tells the story of a young man named Noah who falls in love with another young man named J.D.  It is a simple coming-of-age story that allows the reader to follow Noah and J.D. as they learn to let their love serve as their greatest strength as they brave the storms of a cruel and small-minded world.  
I like the book because when I read it, I see myself.  I have experienced a lot of the same pain and until I met my boyfriend, I had never experienced love.  The story gave me hope that love existed even when I didn't believe it."

The cover of "Leave Myself Behind."  Add it to your reading list!

When I finished, for the second time, the entire class burst into applause.  I felt like I really belonged here for the first time since I arrived in Florence.

"Footprints in the Sand" by the wonderful Leona Lewis.  I told Stephen before I left that I want to play this at our wedding.  <3

The best part?  Getting to practice my Italian while also getting the chance to brag about what a wonderful man I have waiting for me back home!  :)

On a side note, the inside of the cathedral at Siena was breathtaking!

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