Saturday, October 1, 2011

“I am not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.” -William Allen White

One of the many "streets" in Venice.  Why doesn't it look like a street?  Because Venice really doesn't have them.  They prefer boats over cars, and canals over streets.  :)

Since we last spoke, I have been to Venice, my classes have started, and I was pooped on by pigeon.  All and all, things are going well.  Venice was beautiful, truly.  However, I could never live there.  Why?  Three words:  TOO MUCH WATER.  While I loved the absence of cars, the fact that Venice is located along the Adriatic Sea means that trees, grass, and the woodlands that I adore are in short supply.  So, it was worth visiting, and I will definitely go back with Stephen at some point, but I am in no hurry to plant my flag there.  How could I?  There's nothing to plant it in!

Anyway, here's a brief run-through of the highlights of the past week:

The Curious Case of Pigeon Poop

Like a gift from above, while sitting in Piazza San Marco (Venice) a darling pigeon decided that I looked pretty enough to crap on.  When I told my professor, she exclaimed, "Oh my!  That is wonderful!"  Noticing the look on my face which said, "What planet are your from?" she explained to me that in Italy, when a pigeon poops on you it brings good luck.  I guess when you think about it, it kind of makes sense.  I mean, of all the people in San Marco that day, that pigeon picked me out.  I must be pretty special.  Well, actually, I don't know about that, but I do have to give the pigeon some credit:  it's poop happened to coordinate with my outfit that day. At least my little feathered friend has a sense of fashion.

The Wishing Tree

While in Venice, I stumbled upon a wishing tree (one of the few trees I found).  How does it work?  It's really very simple.  Basically, the tree is an olive tree and all you do is write your wish on a little slip of paper and then hang it on one of the branches.  Naturally, I made a wish.  I wished that "Stephen and I will let our love carry us to a ripe old age."  Kind of sappy, I know.  But, I can't help it.  I'm a romantic.  :)

 My wish.  <3

Sometimes, Art Makes Me Cry

While in Venice, I visited the Galleria d' Accademia where I stumbled upon a painting by Francesco Hayez entitled "Armida and Rinaldo."  I had never heard of Hayez before, but after seeing this painting, I can honestly say that he is hands down one of my favorite painters.  

The story behind the painting (courtesy of Wikipedia):
"The story of Armida, a Saracen sorceress and Rinaldo, a soldier in the First Crusade, was created by the Italian poet Torquato Tasso. In his epic Gerusalemme liberata, Rinaldo is a fierce and determined warrior who is also honorable and handsome. Armida has been sent to stop the Christians from completing their mission and is about to murder the sleeping soldier, but instead she falls in love. She creates an enchanted garden where she holds him a lovesick prisoner. Eventually two of his fellow Crusaders find him and hold a shield to his face, so he can see his image and remember who he is. Rinaldo barely can resist Armida’s pleadings, but his comrades insist that he return to his Christian duties."

As soon as I set my eyes on this masterpiece, I was moved to tears.  The emotion in the eyes of of the two protagonists was so intense that I couldn't move my feet.  I stood in awe before it for at least 15 minutes and did not want to move.  It was so beautiful to me that I could have stared at it all day......

"Armida and Rinaldo" by Francesco Hayez.  Trust me, unless you see it in person, you probably will have no idea why I am so fascinated by it.

My Classes...

...are amazing.  I'm learning a lot about a little bit of everything and I'm staying busy.  Oh, and let me just say that someday I want to be like Dr. Gail Solberg (one of my professors).  The woman is amazing.  Enough said.

Well, I have a busy day ahead of me so I had better get moving.  It's 01 October and I am so pumped! 

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